Photo by Out of Twig Photography
One thing many couples look forward to when they get married is sharing their last name. While more couples are starting to move away from this tradition, it is still a huge part of marriage for a lot of couples. It can also be kind of stressful to figure out how to legally change your name. There are a lot of steps! But don’t stress, because we are going to lay it out for you all in one place!
Step 1: File for your marriage certificate.
This one may seem obvious, but many couples forget this is even something they have to do until the end of their engagement. This document proves that you and your spouse are legally married. This is different than your marriage license! You get this before the wedding and it is signed by your officiant at your wedding (and JRE’s owner, Julie, is licensed to do this).
Step 2: Get certified copies of the certificate
You’ll need these copies to give to the next few places you need to go. Always keep one official copy at home in safe keeping, and then get a couple to take with you to get everything else updated with your new name.
Step 3: Social security card
This should be your first “stop” once you have your marriage certificate. You can do this online or in person. This process is also free! You’ll just need proof of name change (the marriage certificate), proof of citizenship (driver's license, state-issued I.D., passport, etc), and your current social security card.
Step 4: Driver’s license or I.D.
Next is your driver’s license, which you’ll need to update credit cards, investment accounts, and bank. This one takes a little more time, as you have to go to the DMV (which always takes forever…) so budget some time for this. You’ll also take a new photo! Bring your new social security card or the receipt if it hasn’t come in yet, proof of address (a bank statement, bills, etc), a copy of your marriage license (you’ll get this back), and multiple payment options in case they do not accept both card or cash. (You don’t want to show up with just your card when they only take cash or check)!
Step 5: Passport
You can apply for this by mail, as it just counts as a passport correction. You can do this here.
Step 6: Bank accounts
Every bank is different so reach out to your bank and see if they prefer in-person appointments or if you can do it online. All you need for this is a certified copy of your marriage certificate, your new Social Security card, and your new driver’s license or I.D.
Step 7: Credit cards
Call the number on the back of your credit card to find out how your credit card company likes to do this. These companies have different processes, as with banks.
Step 8: Insurance
Update all your insurance information (home, auto, life, etc) so that you avoid any confusion or issues with your coverage. Many providers have different processes for doing this, but always assume they will need your marriage license and driver's license. See if you or your spouse can get on each other’s health insurance too, if that is something you are both interested in.
Step 9: Update Payments
Update your independent payments such as student loans, mortgages, utilities, etc.
Step 10: Work HR
Make sure they update your name at work on payroll and see what benefits they have for married employees, such as health insurance and 401(k).
Our planner, Samantha, suggests not hyphenating your last name. Her family name was Mattox and her married name is Janiak, so she is Samantha Mattox-Janiak, and she gets a lot of confusion surrounding it. She recommends making your family name your middle name (either adding it as a second middle name or replacing it) so that you still have the family name but also the sentiment of your married name.
This list is in this order so that you don’t get turned around at certain steps. Some of these steps require the previous things to be done in order to continue, so doing it in this order will be the most efficient and least time-consuming!
Whether you choose to change your last name after marriage is an incredibly big decision between you and your partner, but don’t let it be a big hassle! Congratulations!
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Photo by Ray Photography